How to add or delete a course for a student

If you wish to add a premium course to a student, please follow the steps below and then request an upgrade on the course (see how to do that here)

1. From your dashboard, click on 'My Students'.

From your dashboard, click on 'My Students'.

2. Click on the student you would like to edit the courses of.

Click on the student you would like to edit the courses of.

3. Scroll down to the enrolled courses section and click edit enrolled courses.

Scroll down to the enrolled courses section and click edit enrolled courses.

4. To remove a course, click the X next to the desired course.

To remove a course, click the X next to the desired course.

5. Then to add a course, click the search bar.

Then to add a course, click the search bar.

6. This will bring up a list of all the available courses. Click the course you would like to add to the student.

This will bring up a list of all the available courses. Click the course you would like to add to the student.

7. Click on Submit.

Click on Submit.

8. The courses that this student is enrolled on have now been changed.

The courses that this student is enrolled on have now been changed.

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