What does my current level mean?

Your current level is a rough estimate of what level you are working at. Below you can see the context of what each level means.

  • Level 0 - 0.69 - Learner score would suggest little prior knowledge and potential issues with using the software. The learners may still be able to do the level 1 course but is likely to need assistance with use of IT and additional support working through the resources. It would suggest that this learner is currently working at entry level.
  • Level 0.70 - 1.49 - Learner is ready to start the level 1 course. This will give them confidence and understanding of key concepts that are then developed further in the level 2 course.
  • Level 1.50 - 2.49 - Learner is ready to start the level 2 course. If on the level 1 course, this learner would be ready to sit their level 1 exam.
  • Level 2.50 - 2.99 - Learner is exam ready. The learner could take the Subject Knowledge Assessment following the initial assessment to determine level 2 topics to revise. Additional study in the suggested areas would improve exam performance.
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