What is the initial assessment?

The initial assessment is a short test that will assess your knowledge and help work out if level 1 or level 2 is better for you. It contains a variety of questions, with varying difficulty to give you an initial level.

Below is a rough guide line of what your initial level means.

How to take the initial assessment

1. This student has sat the English initial assessment but not the maths.

This student has sat the English initial assessment but not the maths.

2. You can see that they have been recommended to take the level 2 English course.

You can see that they have been recommended to take the level 2 English course.

3. To give the maths initial assessment a go, click 'Start the Maths Initial Assessment'

To give the maths initial assessment a go, click 'Start the Maths Initial Assessment'

4. Click on Start Initial Assessment and complete all the questions to see what level you are starting at.

Click on Start Initial Assessment and complete all the questions to see what level you are starting at.

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