Forcing initial assessment

Forcing the initial assessment for students means that they cannot complete any of the course until they have done the initial assessment. This will give you, the provider, an idea of the level the student is working at and whether they are more suited for the level 1 or level 2 qualification.

Setting this from the provider side

1. Starting within the dashboard of the student whose initial assessment you would like to force, scroll down to the section titled 'Force Initial Assessment'.

Click 'Edit Forced Assessments'.

Starting within the student whose initial assessment you would like to force, scroll down to the section titled 'Force Initial Assessment'.
Click 'Edit Forced Assessments'.

2. Check the subject for which you would like to force the initial assessment for

Check the subject for which you would like to force the initial assessment for

3. Click on Submit

Click on Submit

What this looks like for the learner

4. This is what the student will see when they log onto the platform.

In this case the student can't complete any courses until they have completed the English initial assessment.

This is what the student will see when they log onto the platform.
In this case the student can't complete any courses until they have completed the English initial assessment.

5. Click on Start Initial Assessment

Click on Start Initial Assessment

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